27th Bolton Brownies meet at St Augustine’s Church (in the Crypt) on Tuesdays (term-time only) from 6.30pm – 8.00pm. Ages 7 - 10
Girls can participate in a wide range of activities at our regular meetings, special events, day trips, sleepovers, camps and holidays. They can find themselves trying out arts and crafts or recipes, playing energetic games, taking part in community action projects, and also extend their knowledge and abilities by working towards Brownie interest badges. Click here to contact Brown Owl.
The 2nd Sunday of the Month is our "family service" (although every Sunday Mass is in reality a family service) during which the homily is specifically geared towards the children present. At this service the Brownie flag is paraded to the front, and the Brownies join the Sunday School at the front of church.
Anyone wishing to find out more about Brownies and Girl guiding can visit or phone 07870 622977