Lectors are usually so-called to distinguish them from Lay Readers, which is a form of authorised lay ministry in the Church of England. However, we will call them Readers here for simplicity.
The liturgical reading of the Gospel (during mass) is the proper role of the ordained deacon or priest, but other readings of scripture can be done by laity. We have a rota of lay people to read both the first and second (Epistle) readings at mass, and there is training from time to time.
If you would like to help at mass by becoming part of the Reading Team, please speak either to the Vicar or to David Taylor, who organises the rota.
Some of the existing readers now also help lead the Intercessions, of the Prayer of the Faithful, which is properly a lay ministry. Again training is given for this role. If any existing reader would like to help in this way, please see the Vicar.